Do One Thing – Change Your Life for the Better!

How would you like to change your life for the better one step at a time?

The Raw Builder’s ‘Do One Thing’ philosophy is the simplest way to make the raw food lifestyle work for you; instilling smart habits into your daily routine that will become central to your life – for the rest of your life.

So what is the One Thing you can do today that over time will bring about that step change in the way you feel, look and embrace life?


Here are my Top 4 suggestions for you:


Drink more Water:

As an adult, between 50-65% of our body is made up of water. The average is 57-60%. In infants, the body is typically 75-78% water, however it will have reduced to 65% by the age of one.

Optimal hydration will do wonders for your body mentally and physically; for starters it will boost the skin’s elasticity, improve muscle tone and sharpen your brain-power. That’s in addition to flushing away waste and toxins from the bloodstream.

There is much debate about how much water an adult needs to drink every day. Personally, I find 2 litres of water taken at regular intervals throughout the day works well for me!

Learn to Breathe Better

Breathing is something that ought to come naturally to us – or so we think. However ‘conscious breathing’ is a practised technique known for boosting energy, aiding digestion, lowering blood pressure and calming the mind through staying in the moment.

Put your hand on your heart and breathe in slowly for a count of 5, then gently breathe out for a count of 5 again. Conscious breathing is a worthwhile technique to employ on a daily basis, as well as any time you feel stressed or anxious.

Eat Organic

There’s nothing like raw organic foods for boosting the body’s defences, – you truly can taste the difference. As if the ongoing controversy over pesticides and GM foods isn’t enough to make you change your eating habits for good, here’s something else we consider. Organic foods are not only better for us health-wise, they also help contribute to a cleaner planet.

Do you have a local farm shop or supplier where you can stock up on organic produce? Or a space where you can ‘grow your own’?


Walking is one of the best forms of exercise there is. This low-impact, benefit-laden activity improves circulation, strengthens heart and lungs, builds stamina, tones muscles and aids weight-loss. Plus it is the perfect way to get your daily fix of vitamin D – a proven mood-booster!

Walking is such a terrific (and much under-valued) activity, guaranteed to improve your physical and mental wellbeing. So help yourself to a dose of feel-good endorphins today – get walking!

So what One Thing will you do today to kick-start your ‘raw’ lifestyle? Let me know- I’d love to hear from you and I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have.

Until next time,


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